Monday, December 21, 2009

Regarding Facebook accounts being compromised

Recently I have witnessed a friend's account being compromised by a rouge application/virus. I've done some research, and I have some announcements to make for those who are interested.

This particular piece of malware manifests itself outwardly by posting wall messages or sending private messages to your friends containing nonsensical things. Specifically, the manifestation I have witnessed advertises for "galewher.c0m" Please, do not visit that site. I realize there is a zero in there instead of an "o" so don't fix it and don't visit it.

This malware, along with apparently many others, is making its way around social networking sites. Rouge applications are becoming a problem (isn't it so great that most of you are application crazy...cluttering up my live feed with more application updates than people updates?!). Rouge applications have access to your profile and its information. They can masquerade as you along with stealing your data. Please, be very careful with which applications you install and use. When dealing with rouge applications added to your profile, it doesn't matter how secure your machine is, what software you hide behind, what guru you follow, or even (dare I say it) if you use a Mac or Linux (*gasp* Oh NO!). Your Facebook profile is just as vulnerable to these sorts of invasion. The developer of a rouge application can do things with your profile that even you don't have permission to do, so be very careful.

Also, there are other viruses/malware making the rounds that infect your computer directly. Not only do these take advantage of being able to log everything you type (among other things) and steal your personal data to random Chinese spammers who clutter my SPAM folder with ads for V1AGrA and other such crap, they can also hijack your social networking profiles. Please, keep your anti-virus software up to date, and also take measures to ensure that you have other malware protection (Malwarebytes, Adaware, etc) and that they are up to date. Run these scans regularly and keep up with the updates. Also, do your browser and Windows updates regularly. It's annoying, but they are there for a reason. This happens to be a good example.

Further, please, be careful regarding what you click on. If it looks or sounds suspicious, don't click on it. This applies to the web, Facebook, MySpace, email, and any other electronic media. That's how these things spread. You may even be unaware of them infecting you if you are not careful. There are instances where it can be done "drive by" style. You get redirected to somewhere you obviously didn't want to be, and by then, it's too late. Simply visiting the site can infect you if everything lines up right. If you don't feel like installing virus protection, at least make the effort to hit up an online scan once in a while (TrendMicro for example). It's not just for you, but for all of the other easy targets that are now being made easier with the rise of social networking and all these fun little applications.

Finally, if you see a CAPTCHA (the annoying thing that asks you to type the words you see) pop up ON YOUR COMPUTER rather than the internet, you have a serious problem. You've been infected by something and those behind it are using it to create other social networking accounts since they have already taken control of your machine. The CAPTCHA is the last step in creation, and if you're seeing it in Windows rather than on the net, you're in trouble. Get some help cleaning that if you don't know how to do it.

So, to recap: If you are getting suspicious messages, don't click on them, and kindly alert the person they are coming from. Be careful where you go and what you click on, even if it seems like a safe place (Facebook). Be careful of what you install. You honestly don't know exactly what's going on behind the scenes, and just because it looks cute and fun doesn't mean that's all it is. Protect yourself with updates and appropriate software. If you have any issues, or questions, feel free to contact me. I will be glad to help.

Always use seat belts, sunblock, condoms, and common sense.

End PSA.

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